Thursday 25 July 2024

BA/MArt Animation Starts September 2024

Spiderman animation by Escapee Giorgos Konstantinou
Escape Studios is accepting late applications for our BA/MArt in The Art of Computer Animation; teaching starts in September 2024.

Applications are through UCAS, and you can find out more about our undergraduate 2D & 3D Computer Animation courses at the official site.

Our  BA/MArt in The Art of Computer Animation was first launched in 2015, and our first group of animation students graduated in 2019, going on to find jobs and success in the industry.  

Awards, Jobs & Prizes

Demo Reel
To see some of our students' best work, watch our 2023 animation demo reel below:

BA/MArt in Computer Animation
Animation by Escapee Maria Robertson
Our BA/MArt in The Art of Computer Animation has a strong emphasis on teaching practical skills. Our 3D Animators learn Autodesk Maya, and our 2D Animation students learn Toonboom Harmony.  

Escape Method
We call our teaching method The Escape Method, which includes five pillars: intensive classroom tuition, online study, constructive feedback, industry engagement, and group projects. All five pillars combine to support our students in their mastery of the art and craft of animation.

Pre-Production & Development
2D Animation at Escape Studios
Animators at Escape Studios also learn pre-production skills such as design and storyboarding, and also learn the visual effects and games pipelines.

Our BA/MArt is an integrated Masters degree. That means you can stay with us for three years and earn a Batchelor of Arts (BA) or, if you stay on for an extra year, you will graduate with a Master of Arts (MArt).  We recommend that applicants apply up front for the full four years, because it's easier to get funding for the final master's year if you apply early.

University of Coventry

Chameleon animation by Dave Novis
Coventry University is our validating partner, which means they award our degrees.  So, although you will study at Escape Studios in North Greenwich, you will receive your degree from the University of Coventry.  

Course Tutors
The course is taught by the animation tutors at Escape Studios, including Marc Stevenson, Paul Harrison, Kevin Richards as well as many visiting tutors.  All of our tutors have industry experience and bring their understanding of industry techniques to the classroom.

The state of the industry
Quadruped walk by Melissa Coarezza
Animation has grown from a small cottage craft industry into a global business. Animation is everywhere; in movies, TV shows, phone apps, and the web. Our animators go on to work in all parts of the business, both in the UK and overseas.

Success Stories
We pride ourselves on prioritising the employability of our students and focusing on making them job-ready.  There are thousands of Escapees working in the animation and VFX industry.  To see some Success Stories, follow this link.

Official Course page
To see the official course page, follow this link.

Reading list
To see our reading list, follow this link.

Portfolio Guidelines
To see our portfolio guidelines, see this post.

Get Started
To get started with animation, we recommend doing one or two online tutorials just to see if 3D animation is for you.  Why not try this free tutorial here

Official page
The official course page can be found here.

More information
To see how undergraduate studies at Escape Studios are structured, follow the links below:

The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To apply for one of our courses, follow this link.  

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