Tuesday 3 October 2023

Marc Stevenson Animation Programme Leader

Marc Stevenson
Many congratulations to Escape Studios animation tutor Marc Stevenson, who is our new Program Leader for Undergraduate Animation at Escape Studios.  

Marc is currently teaching our second year undergraduate students the art of animal & creature animation (module AN5002) and also the Art of Character Animation (Module AN5001).

Marc Stevenson is a very experienced animator with credits on multiple Hollywood VFX hits including Harry Potter and The Goblet of FireFast & Furious 6, Avengers, Age of Ultron, Moon, and Victor Frankenstein.
Animation Tutorials

Marc has also created many tutorials for our students, which you can find at our Animation Vimeo Channel, and also at Marc's own Animation YouTube Channel

AN5002 - Animals & Creatures
"Horsin' Around" by Marc Stevenson
In module AN5002 - Animals & Creatures - worth 30 credits, students learn to animate the art of animal and creature animation.  

The module lasts five weeks, and finishes with students submitting a short piece of animal or creature animation for final assessment. 

Marc Stevenson Animation Reel
You can see some of Marc's work at Vimeo below:

Animation Reel from Marc Stevenson on Vimeo.

Animation Programme Leader
The Animation Programme Leader at Escape Studios lead on the content and delivery of the undergraduate animation programme at Escape Studios.  Their responsibilities include:
  • Development and enhancement of content and learning within the programme and help to ensure that it reflects the latest industry and academic practice
  • Ensuring with the appropriate Module Leaders (MLs) that the delivery of modules is consistent with the content of the programme and module specifications as validated
  • Facilitating coordination between modules within the programme
  • Reviewing the Module Monitoring Reports (MMRs) from the programme and checking against previous iterations to ensure any actions are coherent and appropriate to enhancing the programme
  • Identifying and addressing overlap in content across modules, including in assessments
  • Collaborating with MLs in ensuring their module reflects current practice and knowledge and is compliant with the requirements of all validating partners and professional bodies
  • Coordinating the support for students taking supplementary assessment on the programme.
  • Preparing the Annual Programme Monitoring Report (APMRs) using data from end of year surveys, SSLCs, MMRs and informal feedback
  • Monitor actions from previous APMRs during the year to ensure continuous enhancement

The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To apply for our BA/MArt in 3D Animation, follow this link. To apply for our storyboarding evening class, visit this page here. For the next 12 week animation course, click here.

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