Saturday, 25 January 2025

Producing Animation with Steve Burch

Producer Steve Burch
Escape Studios welcomes back veteran animation producer Steve Burch to teach a class to our second year animation students on Producing Animation.

Steve, who has worked on animation classics such as The Iron Giant, Space Jam, and Osmosis Jones, will deliver a workshop on Producing Animation to our second year animators.

Producing animation is an increasingly important part of what we teach at Escape Studios, as our students collaborate on short film projects, enter festivals, win awards, and also find work in the industry as production assistants and producers.

Animation Production
Steve Burch worked on "Iron Giant"
Steve will be helping our students to navigate some of the challenges involved in successfully completing their first animation production. Being a successful animator isn't just about being good at animation; you also need to understand how group projects work, and learn how to collaborate with other artists in a studio environment.

Thinking like a producer
Escape Studios teach our students to think not just in terms of finding work in the animation industry as employees, but also to succeed as freelancers.

Our business is largely project-driven, and it's important to understand how animation and vfx projects are financed, scheduled, and brought to a successful completion.  Knowing how to complete a freelance job successfully is an important life skill for any commercial artist.

It's also important to understand the business environment we operate it. Understanding why deadlines matter makes it much easier to work in a studio, alongside producers who have to get the job delivered on time and on budget.

Tutor: Steve Burch
Steve Burch started out in the animation industry as an effects artist, working on hits such as The Iron Giant, and later moving into production. You can see his extensive list of film credits at IMDB.

Lydia Layton, prod'n co-ordinator
Escapees in Production Roles
Many Escapees have gone to production roles. These include:
Steve Burch Workshop
To learn more about the business of producing animation, read this account of one of Steve's Producing Workshops here. 

Steve Burch filmography
Producing and Freelancing
To see more information about producing and freelancing, see the links to other blog posts below:
The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To apply for one of our courses, follow this link.   

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