Our Degrees are Validated by The University of Coventry |
With this change of oversight comes changes to the way we mark undergraduate work; the main change being to simplify our marking systems.
Marking at Escape Studios |
Marking Simplification
Our new marking systems have been simplified, with the Tutor Mark being the main component to grading each module. Students will no longer self mark their work, or mark their peer's work. Industry marking is no longer a separate process.
Group Project Modifier
Group Projects - Modifier |
The Modifier (which is carried out anonymously) allows moderation of the project mark to differentiate between the contributions of individuals within the group. Each member of the group has an allocation of marks that they can award to the other team members in proportion to their contribution.
For example, in a group of 6 students, each student would have 50 marks to award to the other five members. All 50 marks could be awarded to one group member, or the marks could be apportioned equally, where each member gets 10 marks, or any combination in between.
See the table below by way of example, in which Alex made a big contribution to the project, and Fred a rather smaller one.
Once the modifier marks are tabulated and an average produced, the average is used to adjust each students' final mark within the group. So, for example, see the table below.
Modifier Algorithm
The Modifier is applied, using this formula:FINAL_MARK = MIN(100,GROUP_MARK*(1+(STUDENT_MARK-10)/(NUMBER OF STUDENTS * 10)))
This algorithm produces the Final Project Mark for each individual student.
Tutor Group Project Modifier
In addition, in order to ensure a fair outcome for all students, tutors at Escape Studios have the flexibility to override the mark for any individual student on a group project.
This is done by completing the Tutor Mark Moderation Form.
Retrospectives Replaced by Presentations
University of Coventry |
...except Group Projects, and L4 Term One
Written Retrospectives will remain a requirement for Team Project Modules, and also for Term One of the First Year of Undergraduate Study, ie Module CR4002 (Creative Foundations - Craft) and Module PR4001 (Creative Foundations - Project).
Marking `Grids - Via Turnitin at Blackboard
Tutors no longer complete marking grids; from now on these will be done via Turnitin at Blackboard. This automates the process and will greatly reduce paperwork (Tutors: watch Michael's intro video to see how this works).
Once the marks are complete, tutors can release the marks in Blackboard by clicking on the "Post Marks" button. (see image on right)
Second Marking
Second marking continues in the usual way. Second markers must check all fails, a representative sample across all bands, and any marks just below a band (49, 59 etc), as well as the highest mark. Second markers must second mark at least 10% of the students in a module, and at least six students. Second markers must complete a moderation form explaining briefly what they did.
External Examiners
Helen Piercy - UG Anim EE |
Richard Cunningham, External Examiner for MA Animation, has been in post since 2019 and his replacement will be announced soon.
Exam Boards
All marks are subject to final adjustment at the end of year Exam Boards.
Marking at Escape Studios
To see more about how marking works at Escape Studios, follow the links below:
To see more about how marking works at Escape Studios, follow the links below:
- Group Marking at Escape Studios - How It Works
- Mit Circs & Extensions at Escape Studios
- How Industry Marking Works at Escape Studios
- The "Four Week Feedback" Rule
- Second Marking at Escape Studios - How It Works
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