Friday 26 May 2023

Kevin Richards' "Crucial Tip" for Animation Graduates

Kevin Richards teaching at Escape Studios
Escapee Kevin Richards is a lead animator at Pop Paper City and has brought many Escapees onto the hit show as Junior Animators

In this guest blog post, Kevin offers our animation graduates his "crucial tip" for landing that crucial first job in animation. 

So what is the single most important thing our graduates can do to get hired? Below is the one crucial thing you can do, to place yourself ahead of most of the other applicants for the job. 

Add a Hyperlink to Your Reel at The Top of Your CV
Hyperlink your CV
When sending in a CV, the link to the applicant's Animation Demo Reel should be a hyperlink at the top of the CV.   The hyperlink link should be displayed in bright bold type - so that this is the very first thing Kevin sees when he looks at the CV.  Kevin - or any other animation supervisor - should be able to click on the URL and go straight to the demo reel.

Don't Make Kevin "Play Detective"
"When I was doing reel reviews last summer, only about a third of the CVs I received had this basic function.  The other two thirds had difficult-to-find urls that took me to badly organised Art Station websites, where I had to play detective to find the animation showreel.  I would persevere - but I was already in a bad mood by the time I got to the demo reel.  The other lead [hiring junior animators] didn't bother at all - he just went straight to the next CV.

About another third of the CVs we received had no demo reels at all.  Needless to say, these were not even considered.

The third of the CVs that had the reel URL at the top of the page as a hyperlink went straight to the top of the pile in terms of applicants we considered for positions here.  The others tended to just get put in the filing system to be forgotten about.  So applicants take note: - just by having your reel URL at the top of the page on your CV as a hyperlink will automatically put you ahead of around half the other applicants for the job you are applying for."

---Kevin Richards

Kevin Richards' Jobs and Careers Advice
Kevin Richards teaching at Escape Studios
To see more advice from Kevin Richards on how to find your first job in the animation industry, see the links below:

Interview and Demo Reel Resources at Escape Studios
To see more resources on animation jobs and careers generally, see the the links below:

The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To find out more about our new BA/MArt, now recruiting for September 2023, follow this link.   To apply, visit the official page here

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