Saturday 9 December 2023

Sagar Rathod Explains "The Rule of Thirds" - Pt 1

In this short video Escape Studios VFX tutor Sagar Rathod explains the principles behind the "Rule of Thirds" in Previsualisation and Cinematography.  The Rule of Thirds - more a guideline than a rule - is a "rule of thumb" for composing visual images such as designs, films, paintings, and photographs.  The  guideline proposes that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections.

The Rule of Thirds
The Rule of Thirds is a technique used in photography and filmmaking.  

Imagine dividing your shot into a grid with evenly spaced lines both vertically and horizontally. The image on the right from Skyfall has the field grid overlayed, showing how the composition follows the Rule of Thirds.

Place Your Images at the Intersections
Start by placing the grid over your shot. To compose your shot correctly, place the important elements of your scene (such as the main protagonist) at the points where the lines intersect.

This method helps make your visual images more appealing by enhancing the overall composition. We first begin with creating a pleasing start frame and an end frame in Maya.

The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To apply for one of our courses, follow this link.  

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