Friday 28 April 2023

Escape Studios Visits Westminster Kingsway College

Westminster Kingsway College 
Last week Escape Studios visited Westminster Kingsway College to talk to with students and young professionals about careers in animation. 

The event was hosted by Film London to provide aspiring artists with guidance on how to break into the creative industries  and, specifically, into the animation industry.  

Today the animation industry continues to grow, despite Covid and Brexit, boosted recently by expansion of the UK Govt Tax Credit
How to Be Job Ready
The students and graduates I spoke to wanted to know about the kinds of jobs available in the industry, and how to get them.  Animation is a big umbrella term, covering traditional keyframe animation (both 2D and 3D), technical animation, games animation, and motion graphics.  Old school 2D animation is also making a revival, although increasingly with new software tools such as Toonboom Harmony

600 Graduates per year
UK universities produce over 600 students annually with degrees in animation, yet the animation industry still complains that most UK graduates aren’t ready for work - the gap between academia and industry is too great.  And this is the "gap" that we seek to close here at Escape Studios

Finding Work in the Animation Industry
At Escape Studios we try to ensure that as many of our Escapees as possible find work in their field - employability is at the heart of what we do.   

Polish Your Demo Reel
Successful graduates need to make sure they have a good well-cut demo reel, which is short, easy to find (not password protected) and embedded (and easy to find) online. 

Be at Linkedin
Today, students should have a well-curated Linkedin profile.  Animation recruiters tell us that they "live on Linkedin". Your profile should be attractive and well-organised, with your demo embedded.  Increasingly, Linkedin is your "shop window" to the industry, so it's important to make it appealing.  

Apply Online, and Network
Applying for jobs online can bring success - but students also need to network, by attending industry events (often by volunteering), posting their work at Linkedin, and building a network of industry professionals who can help them on the crucial first run of the ladder.  

For more on how to find work in the industry, see the resources below.

Jobs, Careers, Interview and Demo Reel Resources at Escape Studios
To see more resources on animation jobs and careers generally, see the the links below:

Thanks to Film London
Many thanks to Film London's Daedyn Appleton for organising the event. 

The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To find out more about our new BA/MArt, now recruiting for September 2023, follow this link.   To apply, visit the official page here

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