Thursday 9 March 2023

More New Books for The Animation Library

New Pixar Studio books
We've acquired some new books for the Escape Studios Animation library, where we keep traditional hard copies (ie actual physical books) on the Third Floor at 190 High Holborn, WC1. 

The new books are "Pixar Storytelling" and "Pixar and the Aesthetic Imagination", new titles which will help our 2nd year animators as they start their group film projects. 

The Animation Library is located outside Toontown and Winterfell classrooms.

Escape Studios Animation Library
Check out the books in the orange book
The Escape Studios Animation Library (a traditional library, with actual books) is located on the Third Floor at 190 High Holborn, outside Toontown and Winterfell classrooms.  

Into The Spiderverse
New books this year include "The Art of Spiderman - Into the Spiderverse", and "The Art of Frozen", and "Directing the Story" by Disney director Francis Glebas.

Free - But Please Sign Out
Into The Spiderverse
All the books are free to borrow and read, but you must sign them out with your name, email address and date in the little Orange Library Book (see image on the right). 

Animation Books
There are many useful books in Online Library and the traditional library. We have many physical copies of "The Animator's Survival Kit", and also many titles on development, character and creature animation, independent film finance, acting, and design.  Recent additions include a biography of Walt Disney and also books on animating in Maya.

Animator's Survival Kit & Prepare to Board
New books for the library
Recently we acquired more new books for the Escape Studios Animation Library - two more copies of two of our most popular books:  The Animator's Survival Kit by Richard Williams and "Prepare to Board" by Nancy Beiman, on the Art of Storyboarding. 

We also have online copies of these (and many other) books; just follow the link to the online library and start searching.

Orange Library Book
To sign books out of the physical library, please use the Orange Library Book, where you can sign the books out, leaving the date, your name, the title borrowed and your email address. 

Two Weeks Maximum
For physical books, the maximum loan is two weeks. Please sign the books back in again within two weeks.

Library & Learning Resources
To see more about library and other learning resources at Escape Studios, follow these links:

Online Library
We also have an online library, where books can be accessed digitally.  To login in to the online library at Escape Studios, follow this link.

The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To find out more about our new BA/MArt, now recruiting for September 2023,  follow this link.   To apply, visit the official page here.

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