Saturday 25 February 2023

New Sound Design Resources in UG Shares

Sound waves
We've added a huge number of new sound effects to our existing Sound Design Resources in the UG Shares drive. UG Shares contains resources for all our undergraduate students, such as rigs, sets and props, and also filmmaking resources such as sound effects.

Good sound design is a vital part of the film-making process.  50% of the experience of enjoying a film is audio, and yet when teaching film-making we tend to focus most of our attention on what we see with our eyes, sometimes neglecting the importance of sound.  Animators might not always realise it - but we definitely need good sound design.

UG Shares
To find our sound design resources, start on the shares drive, and navigate to UG Shares/Animation/Assets/Sound Design

Sound Design 
Our second year animation students are working on their first Studio Project - working together to design and animate a teaser/trailer for an upcoming game, TV series or feature film, as part of 2nd year Module PR5001, in which students collaborate together, working in teams.  The module is the culmination of the second year of study at Escape Studios.

Sound Design Resources at Escape Studios
To learn more about the principles of sound design, follow these links:

Jakob Parsons teaching at Escape Studios
The Escape Studios Animation Blog
offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To apply for our BA/MArt in 3D Animation, follow this link.  

To apply for our storyboarding evening class, visit this page here.  For the next 12 week animation course, click here. And to apply for the next evening class in Producing Animation, see this page.

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