"The Golden Acorn" is a movie trailer completed by 2nd year undergraduate Escape Studios Animation students, as part of their Studio Project module, written and directed by Maciej Osuch and Produced by Miguel Teixeira.
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Wednesday, 30 December 2020
"Golden Acorn" Best Trailer at Vesuvius Fest
"The Golden Acorn" is a movie trailer completed by 2nd year undergraduate Escape Studios Animation students, as part of their Studio Project module, written and directed by Maciej Osuch and Produced by Miguel Teixeira.
Wednesday, 23 December 2020
Merry Christmas from Escape Studios!
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
Street Ratz Best Trailer at Golden Nugget Fest
"Street Ratz" Best Trailer at Golden Nugget |
Street Ratz" is a teaser/trailer written and directed by Austin Hill, produced by Jack Wright, and supervised by Amedeo Beretta.
Monday, 21 December 2020
Introducing "Palindromo"
"Palindromo" translates into English as "palindrome", meaning a short sentence which is spelled the same forwards and backwards (a famous example of a palindrome is: "a man, a plan, a canal, panama").
Why is Paolo's film called Palindrome? Watch the short to find out - it is just two minutes long.
Paolo Amadini is a student at Escape Studios, studying for his MA in the Art of Computer Animation.
"Palindromo" was completed as part of the final animation module, in which students must complete a short film project of their own.
Friday, 18 December 2020
Animal Lover "Best Animation" at Flicks Fest
Animal Lover - Best Animation at Flicks |
Thursday, 17 December 2020
Character Creation is Back on 26 April 2021
Character Creation by Max Brazier Jones |
This evening course teaches students how to design and create their own character designs, and bring them to life. Over 18 weeks you will design, model, texture, rig and animate your own character.
The Character Creation course is taught by Jonathan McFall, an experienced 3D artist and veteran of many VFX hits including the Harry Potter series, Men in Black 3, and Immortals.
Wednesday, 16 December 2020
AN4001 Starts 4th January 2021
Robot Bug by Edoardo Sartori |
AN4001 is a 15 Credit module that teaches the fundamentals of character and creature animation.
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Scholarship Deadline 4 January 2021
At Escape Studios we offer a £8,000 scholarship to one successful applicant for each postgraduate degree, significantly reducing the cost of study.
Don't wait! Apply now. The deadline is 4th January 2021.
Monday, 14 December 2020
Marc Stevenson To Teach Anim 1 on 4 January
Marc Stevenson |
Marc has credits on many Hollywood hit films including Fast & Furious 6, Avengers, Age of Ultron, Moon, and Victor Frankenstein.
Marc has also taught a number of classes to our short course animators, and is very familiar with Escape Studios and our systems. He has also created many online tutorials for our students, which you can find at our Animation Vimeo Channel.
Saturday, 12 December 2020
Tutorial on Physical Shaders in Arnold
Friday, 11 December 2020
CR5001 Specialism Anim Starts 4 January 2021
Leopard animation by Daniel Amor |
The second year of animation studies at Escape Studios is where our students begin to focus on individual proficiency in the craft of animation.
The Specialism Module (Module Code CR5001) is a self-study module in which students must select an area of specialism and develop their proficiency in that area. CR5001 is worth 15 credits and runs for five weeks, culminating in a portfolio presentation.
Thursday, 10 December 2020
"Joe" Wins "Best Genre Film" at Heroes Fest
"Joe" is a short film directed by Callum Reeve and produced by Aidan Lonergan, completed as part of animation Module PR6001, a Studio Project worth 60 Credits.
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
"Vivi Ossa" Wins "Best Trailer" at Prague Fest
Tuesday, 8 December 2020
MoCap Comes to Escape Studios
Monday, 7 December 2020
"Over Under" Wins "Most Fabulous Animation"
Over Under - "Most Fabulous Animation" |
Sunday, 6 December 2020
Hat Shop Wins Best Super Short at UK Fest
"Hat Shop": "Best Super Short" |
Saturday, 5 December 2020
UFO Animation Tutorial With Blend Shapes
UFO Animation with Blend Shapes by Gabriel Munn |
Friday, 4 December 2020
Quarantine Chorus Wins "Most Heartwarming"
Quarantine Chorus: "Most Heartwarming Animation" |
Thursday, 3 December 2020
Michael Gandham on Animation Startups 7 Dec
Michael Gandham |
Draw Wins "Best Director" at Hell Chess Fest
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Charlotte Gimbird QC Animations at YouTube
QC Animations |
QC Animations has over 80,000 subscribers, with hundreds of thousands of views every month.
Charlotte has found critical and commercial success in one of the biggest-growing parts of the animation industry - YouTube video animation. In the case of QC Animations, Charlotte's universe is built about the world of Minecraft - the world's most popular video game.
Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Escape Studios' Free Software Handbook
The Software Handbook, which is completely free, is designed to help our students learn more about the key software that is currently used in the creative industries.
"Hat Shop" Wins Two Awards At Flicks Fest
"Hat Shop": Best Anim & Best Sci-Fi at Flicks |