Monday 25 April 2022

"Solitude" Best 1st Time Director Halicarnassus

Solitude wins Best 1st Time Director at Halicarnassus
Escape Studios is proud to congratulate the makers of"Solitude", which has won its second festival award - "Best First-Time Director" at the Halicarnassus Film Festival.   

Directed by Molly McCabe, edited by Liam Mann, and produced by Charlotte Gimbird"Solitude" is about solitude, isolation - and the power of friendship. 

You watch solitude at Vimeo below

'Solitude' [Short Film] - Team Rocket from Charlotte Ann Gimbird on Vimeo.

Directed by Molly McCabe and produced by Charlotte Gimbird"Solitude" was completed as part of Studio Module PR5001, a collaborative module in which students work together on short film projects, simulating as closely as possible the workings of a real animation studio. Animation was done in Maya, editing in Adobe Premiere Pro and rendering in Redshift. 

Solitude Credits
Thanks to Our Industry Colleagues
Many thanks to film producer and Disney veteran Max Howard, who provided invaluable critique and support throughout the project.

Solitude Official Website

Festival Success
Festival has won Best Micro-Short at the Vesuvius Film Festival and "Best First-Time Director" at the Halicarnassus Film Festival.   

Solitude at IMDB
Best Micro Short at the Vesuvius Film Fest
You can find Solitude here at the IMDB.

The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To apply for our BA/MArt in 3D Animation, follow this link. To apply for our storyboarding evening class, visit this page here. For the next 12 week animation course, click here.

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