The event takes place on Wednesday 19 February as we welcome Dave Ranyard from Dream Reality Interactive on the subject of VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality).
For anyone with an interest in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, this talk will provide an insight into prototyping and design, all the way through to delivery. Dave will be looking at the past, the present and the future of immersive entertainment.
Book your free space
As always, we recommend that all our animation students attend events like this one. VR and AR is a rapidly growing area of our business and one where jobs and opportunities are plentiful - for those with the right skills.
Where and when
Wednesday 19 February at 190 High Holborn, London WC1
Book your free ticket
You can book your free ticket by clicking on this link.
The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To find out more about our BA/MArt, now recruiting for September 2020, follow this link. To apply, visit the official page here.