Tuesday 27 August 2024

"Sea of Madness" Wins "Best VFX" Award at FoFA

Congratulations to the makers of Sea Of Madness, which has won "Best VFX" at the Future of Film Awards.

Sea Of Madness was directed by Maria Freitas  and produced by Ivy Wang.  A gold-seeking pirate stumbles across a treasure chest on a deserted beach -  guarding a hideous secret.

Jake Hines was the editor and 2D Lead, and Sebastian McKernan was the 3D Lead.  Ian Chavez Zarate stars as The Pirate.   This is the film's sixth festival award.
Sea of Madness

Sea Of Madness - Student Short Film from Jake Hines on Vimeo

Sea of Madness
Sea Of Madness
Sea Of Madness tells the story of a gold-seeking pirate who stumbles across a treasure chest on a deserted beach.  Unfortunately, the treasure inside guards a hideous secret. 

Sea Of Madness was made by our third year VFX students, working together as a team to replicate as closely as possible the workings of a real vfx studio and facility.

Sea of Madness Credits

    Special Thanks

    Many thanks to Matt O’Reilly

    The live action plates were filmed at Folly House Beach by kind permission of the Port of London Authority.

    Supervising Tutors
    Sea Of Madness was overseen by supervising tutors Sagar Rathod (3D VFX) and Sokratis Synitos (2D VFX).

    Industry Support - ILM
    Industrial Light & Magic - Industry Feedback Manuel Rivoir (Snr Compositor) 
    Escape Studios would like to thank Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) for industry feedback, kind words and general support throughout.  In particular, thanks to Senior texture Artist Ellie Dupont, Lead Animator Bernard Wicksteed, and Manuel Rivoir (Snr Compositor).

    Industrial Light & Magic have been loyal industry partners for many years, offering our students the chance to get real-world feedback from industry, as if they were working in a commercial studio.

    Escape Method
    Sea Of Madness wins Best Animated Short in Milan
    Industry feedback is at the heart of what we do at Escape Studios, part of the "Escape Method", a blend of classroom teaching, online tutorials, constructive feedback, industry engagement, and group project work, simulating as closely as possible the workings of a real animation studio.

    Festival Success
    Sea Of Madness has won:

    you can find Sea Of Madness at the IMDB here.

    The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects.  

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