Sunday 19 May 2024

Portfolio Tips for Motion Graphics MA

MA in Motion Graphics - Portfolio Tips
Thinking of applying for our new MA in Motion Graphics?  One of the most common questions we get asked by prospective students is: What should go into my portfolio? The short answer is - a bit of everything: design, drawings, painting, life drawing, sketches, scribbles, 3D digital artwork - ideally uploaded to your own website or blog.  

In particular, we're looking for a good sense of design and visual composition.
Tom Box from Blue Zoo at Annecy film festival 2019
You Don't Need to Be a Pro
You don’t necessarily need to have produced motion design before, but you should demonstrate a knowledge or interest in the subject.  Knowledge of, or interest in any of the following is also a plus:

Storytelling. Narrative. Filmmaking. Branding. Marketing. Audio design. 

Computer Skills
Most, but not all work will be produced on computer, so it’s essential that you have a good level of familiarity with computers and computer software. Motion Graphics is a blend of art and technology. 

Art Skills
The strongest motion designers have skills adjacent to design, such as drawing and/or painting. These are disciplines which feed into motion graphics and will elevate your work. Even basic drawing skills are a plus. Many designers find it useful to create small rough drawings or "thumbnail sketches" to plan their work.  

Design & Technology
At the Annecy film festival a few years back, Tom Box from Blue Zoo Animation (above) put it best of all when he explained how Blue Zoo look for artists with "a blend of techy skills and visual skills".

Motion Graphics Software
The principle software we use for Motion Graphics is Adobe After Effects and - for 3D work - Cinema 4D. You can get a 30 Day Trial copy of After Effects here.  And you can find a 14 day trial of Cinema 4D here. Try doing a few simple tutorials to see how you get on. 

Gesture drawing
Online portfolio
The best kind of portfolio is a website or blog showcasing your work.  Check out our post here on how to create a free blog and/or website, and start uploading your work today.  It's never too early to have your own online showcase, and it's completely free to build a blog at Blogger (you only need a Gmail account to get started) or build a website at  You can also upload your work to Tumbler or Artstation.

Motion Graphics at Escape Studios
To see more about Motion Graphics at Escape Studios, follow the links below:

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