Tuesday 2 April 2024

Pitching The "Queen's Counsel" Cartoon Strip

All students at Escape Studios need to learn how to pitch. Our Escapees aren't just working in the creative industries, they are creating original content and fresh ideas.  But how does your fresh original idea gain traction in the marketplace?  The answer is - you have to pitch it.  The short video above is about pitching ideas - in this case pitching the idea of a cartoon strip about lawyers in the UK in the early '90s.  The cartoon strip started in The Times in 1993 as Queen's Counsel - it's still running 30 years on.  

Queen's Counsel
Queen's Counsel (Now "King's Counsel") is a cartoon strip that runs weekly in The (London) Times in the Times Law pages; a satire on law and lawyers that has been published since 1993.  It has also spawned a series of books over the years. You can find the strip at www.kccartoon.com. 

Pitching Queen's Counsel - 2012 

Pitching at Escape Studios
Escape Students Pitch "Jerich0" at Cartoon Springboard
To see more about pitching animation, and the art of the pitch, follow the links below:

The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects.  

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