Friday 7 July 2023

PS6003 - Professional Practice Module

Prof Practice Module PS6003
Our Professional Practice Module (PS6003) forms part of the Third Year of Studies at Escape Studios; it starts in September 2023.

PS6003 aims to prepare our third year animation, games and VFX students for the workplace as they approach the end of their studies.  Professional Practice focuses on employability, so that students understand well before they graduate what it takes to succeed in the creative industries. 

The animation and vfx industries are booming, but jobs remain competitive, and graduates must ensure they have the right skills to compete successfully. 

Interview Workshops
Students attend workshops on how to present themselves well in an interview, and how to handle work situations well. We run regular workshops and "mock interviews" so that students can get live experience of interview scenarios. To see more about how to handle interviews, see the links below:

CVs and Cover Letters
Write a strong cover letter.
We also offer students practical advice on how to put together a strong CV, and also how to write a strong cover letter.  To find out more, see our Six Rules to Create a Great CV

Website and Demo Reel
Putting together an excellent reel, easy for employers to find, is the ultimate goal for all of our students here at Escape Studios. A student's demo reel is the key to finding work in the industry.   For more resources, see below:

Escapees Should Be on LinkedIn
Why Animators Need to Be on Linkedin
We also encourage all our students to be on Linkedin, a powerful tool for getting hired, ideally with an attractive banner and a demo reel embedded at the top.  

Research Document
A major part of PS6003 assessment is a research document in which students must research their chosen career path - exploring what skills they will need.  What salary can students expect?  Which companies are hiring, for what roles, and what skills are needed?

Applying for Work
Sign up for
Students identify specific companies to research. Some of our students research the possibility of working overseas, and look into what steps they need to take to make this happen.  Others explore smaller companies with a great work ethic and a family atmosphere.  Others still may find that they need further skills to get where they want to be, and so will set short term and longer term goals.

Portfolio and Demo Reel
We host Regular "Reel Talk" Events
The number one key to success is a strong demo reel. Ultimately, by the end of this course, each student will have a portfolio or reel, as well as some cover letters for the companies they want to work for, giving them their very best chance at starting the next phase of their life where they want to be. 

Leaving Escape Studios and starting working life can be daunting.  Our tutors work hard to send our students into the world or work ready and prepared.

"Reel Talk" Events

VFX SHOWREEL V2 - Cameron Norris from Cameron on Vimeo.

Third year Animation and VFX tutors
PS6003 is taught by our third year animation and VFX tutors, all of who have extensive experience of working in industry:
Kate Lander
In addition, we offer remote sessions with Kate Lander of Lander Consulting. Kate is an expert in the creative industries with many years experience. 

PS6003 Start Date

Jobs Resources at Escape Studios
Be the Rhino - Rejection is Normal
We have many resources available at Escape Studios aimed at helping our students find work in the animation industry. To get started, see the blog posts below:

The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To apply for our BA/MArt in 3D Animation, follow this link. To apply for our storyboarding evening class, visit this page here. For the next 12 week animation course, click here.

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