Wednesday 14 September 2022

"Post-Mortem" Wins "Best VFX" at FOF Awards

"Best VFX" at the Future of Film Awards festival
Congratulations to the makers of  the VFX short "Post Mortem" which has won "Best VFX" at the Future of Film Awards.

Post Mortem was directed by Toby Haslam and Ridma Suriyagoda, and produced by Aidan Callaghan, who was also the 3D Lead.  Scott Middleton was the 2D Lead. 

Post Mortem takes place in a futuristic secure facility, where a surgeon performs an autopsy on a mysterious patient.  This is Post Mortem's seventh festival award.

Post Mortem 
You can watch Post Mortem below:

Post Mortem 
Post Mortem
Post Mortem was created as part of a third-year VFX project by our students studying the Art of VFX.  The film was directed by Toby Haslam and Ridma Suriyagoda, and produced by Aidan Callaghan.   

Post Mortem is set in a secure facility, where a surgeon performs an autopsy on a mysterious patient.  As we travel through the operating theatre, we realise the patient is rather less human than it first appeared.

Third Year Group Project
Group project work at Escape Studios aims to reproduce as closely as possible the real-world experience of working in a VFX studio.

"Post Mortem" Credits
Post Mortem team
Post Mortem was completed by a team of Eleven VFX artists, working together to create a short film.  

Festival Success
Post Mortem
Post Mortem
has won many festival awards: 

Post Mortem wins "Best VFX" at the EEFF
You can find Post Mortem at the IMDB here.

The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. 

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