Monday 27 March 2023

"Ambush" Wins "Best VFX" at Reels Film Fest

"Ambush" wins "Best VFX" at Reels Film Fest
Congratulations to the makers of "Ambush", which has won an award for "Best VFX" at the Reels Film Festival.

Ambush was directed by Thomas Grantley and produced by Viktor Fiuk. The 3D Lead was Efthymios Bairaktaris and the 2D Lead was Andrea Tomas.  

Ambush was completed as part of the VFX Project, the final film-making module in the third year of studies at Escape Studios, in which students work together to create a short film, mirroring as closely as possible the workings of a studio environment. This is Ambush's latest festival award.

You can watch Ambush below:

"Ambush" tells the story of a rebel pilot in a run-down speeder who must evade her pursuers in a brutal desert landscape.  Ambush was created by our third-year undergraduate students, studying the Art of Visual Effects at Escape Studios

You can find Ambush at the IMDB here.

"Ambush" Credits

Festival Success
Ambush has won a number of festival awards:

The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To apply for our BA/MArt in 3D Animation, follow this link. For the next 12 week animation course, click here.

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