Friday 21 June 2024

OPN Motion Design Festival

We're at the OPN Motion Design Festival this week, checking out the latest developments in Motion Design and Motion Graphics. 

Motion Graphics is a large and growing part of the animation industry, encompassing a range of skills including design, animation - and a constantly evolving tech landscape.

Industry Trends
Golden Wolf 
Escape Studios is at OPN to find out what are the latest industry trends, what tech the industry is using, and where the entry-level jobs are.  

Leading Brands
Global companies such as Diageo support high-end motion graphics for their premium brands, with UK-based Motion Graphics houses such as Found and Golden Wolf finding ways to produce sophisticated graphic styles with a wide range of software solutions, including After Effects, Maya, Blender, Cinema 4D and Houdini. Sound design is an increasingly important part of the Motion Graphics toolset - Bristol-based sound specialists Echoic demonstrated how sound is "50% of the experience". 

Motion Graphics at Escape Studios
We're fortunate to have a strong motion graphics team at Escape Studios: tutors Ed Brown and Adam Bennett have created and curated our 12 Week Course in Motion Graphics, and also our Evening Class in Motion Graphics.  

MA Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics Tutorials

Motion Graphics Tutors
Motion Graphics tutor Adam Bennett
Motion Graphics at Escape Studios is led by tutors Ed Brown and Adam Bennett, who designed our Motion Graphics courses following extensive consultation with industry.  

Motion Graphics YouTube Channel

Escape Studios Motion Graphics Demo Reel
To see some of the best Motion Graphics work done by students at Escape Studios, watch the reel below.

Adam Bennett MoGraph Tutorials

Motion Graphics at Escape Studios
To see more about Motion Graphics at Escape Studios, see the links below:

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