Monday 24 October 2022

Animal & Creature Tutorials at Our Vimeo Channel

Dragon animation cycle by Tim Golton
Our Vimeo Tutorial Channel is our main hub for our animation and VFX video tutorials, making it easier than ever for our students to find tutorials to support their classroom studies.   Tutorials include quadruped locomotion - walks, trot and runs, and also how to combine clips.  

Other tutorials show how to animate spiders, birds, dinosaurs and dragons - everything you need to master the art and craft of animal and creature animation. 

Animal and Creature Animation
Much of the animation industry in London focuses on realistic animal and creature work, achieving photo-real levels of quality. For example, the Disney re-make of The Lion King was made at MPC in London. Learning to animate animals and creatures is a core skill for all our animation students.


How to Block Out and Plan Creature Animation
The theory behind blocking and planning creature animation by Alex Williams
Also see this blog post on planning and blocking creature animation

Quadruped Locomotion - Walks, Trots & Runs
Quadruped Walks, Trots & Runs with a low-poly sabre tooth tiger rig, by Maria Robertson
Also read this blog post for more on quadruped locomotion.

Quadruped Transitions - Walks, Trots & Runs
Quadruped Transitions using the Sabre Tooth rig and the Maya Time Editor by Maria Robertson
Also read this blog post on animating transitions.

Horse Walk, Trot & Run with Alex Williams
Horse Locomotion - Walks Trots & Runs (Maya 2012)
Horse Locomotion - Walks, Trots and Runs with Alex Williams
Also read this blog post about horse locomotion, with rig suggestions

Horse Trot Tutorial - Maya 2020
Horse Trot Tutorial
Horse Trot Tutorial with Alexander Williams. 

Horse Run Tutorial with Marc Stevenson
Also see this blog post:

Horse Run Tutorial with Alexander Williams - Maya 2020
Horse run tutorial with Alex Williams
To find the horse run tutorial with Alex Williams, follow the link below:

Animate a Horse Rearing Using Live Action Reference
With Alex Williams.

Leopard walk with Alex Williams
Quadruped Locomotion - Animating a Leopard Walk - Maya 2020
with Alexander Williams

Putting Animals on a Path 
Putting animals on a path with Marc Stevenson
Putting animals on a path with Marc Stevenson
Also see this blog post on putting animals on a path.

Planning Animal and Creature Animation

Crab & Spider Locomotion
Six-legged crab animation by Maria Robertson
For more on the crab animation, see this blog post

Spider Locomotion Tutorial with Alex Williams
Spider locomotion tutorial using the free spider rig "Raa".
This tutorial by Alex williams explains how to animate a spider in motion using the free "Raa" spider rig, which you can read about here. You can download the Raa rig for free from HighEnd3D here.

Spider Locomotion Tutorial with Marc Stevenson

This tutorial by Marc Stevenson explains how to animate a spider in motion.

Crab "Mating Dance" using live action reference
Six-legged "Xye crab" mating dance animation by Maria Robertson
For more on the Xye crab animation tutorial, and where to find the parasite rig by Truong, see this blog post.

Animate a Scorpion
Animate a giant robot scorpion in motion with Alex Williams
For more on animating a scorpion in motion, see this blog post.

Animate a Crab Scuttling
 Animate a Crab Scuttle,
Animate a crab scuttling underwater, and add caustics, with Alex Williams.


Dinosaur Locomotion
Dinosaur Walk Cycle by Alexander Williams

For more on dinosaur animation, read this blog post.
Also see this blog post on dinosaurs and the animation of Jurassic World.

Dragon in flight tutorial
Dragon in flight tutorial by Jamie Floodgate
The tutorial uses the free Jaemin Dragon rig by Truong, which can be downloaded here.

For more on how to animate dragons, read this blog post.


Butterfly Animation 
How to Animate Butterfies in Motion by Alexander Williams

Also read this blog post on Butterfly animation.

Bird in Flight Animation Tutorial
Crow in flight tutorial by Alexander Williams
For more on animating birds in flight, see this blog post.  

Also see Brendan Body's web page on bird locomotion.

Marc Stevenson Flap Cycle Tutorial
Flap cycle with Marc Stevenson. This tutorials uses the "do one wing then cut and paste method".


Fish Swimming with Alex Williams
Learn to animate a fish swimming with Alexander Williams. To find out more - and see a step-by-step lesson plan, read this blog post.  You can find the free video tutorial here

Fish Swimming with Marc Stevenson

Submarine & Caustics with Alex Williams
Learn to animate a Submarine underwater with caustics with Alex Williams (beginner tutorial). 


Vehicle Animation Tutorial  
Cartoony Yellow Beetle tutorial by Alexander Williams
For more on animating vehicles, including rig notes, read this blog post.

Animate a Car to a Sudden Stop

Animal & Creature Animation Resources
"Xye Crab" mating dance by Maria Robertson
To see more resources on how to animate animals and creatures, follow the links below:

The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To apply for our BA/MArt in 3D Animation, follow this link.  

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