Tuesday 27 June 2023

Lee Caller to Teach Integrated MArt Sept 2023

Lee Caller to lead Integrated MArt
We're delighted to announce that animation tutor Lee Caller will be teaching the Integrated MArt at Escape Studios from September 2023.  

Lee is an award-wnning animator who has been teaching our short course and animation students for many years.  He also has a Master's Degree in Animation from Buckinghamshire New University.

In their fourth year of study, our integrated masters' students collaborate to create their own ideas and projects, working together in teams to create original content.

Integrated Masters
Our integrated masters' students collaborate to create their own ideas and projects, working together in teams to create original content. To find out more about what's in the Integrated Master's Degree at Escape Studios, read this blog post

"Tokyo Rex" by Lee Caller

Lee is an animator who combines technical skill with a strong story-telling element - the perfect ingredients for a great animation performance. You can see his excellent dinosaur animation - "Tokyo Rex" - above.

You can see more of Lee's work at his personal website.

 The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To apply for our new BA/MArt starting in September 2023, follow this link.

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