Thursday 25 May 2023

"Papercut" Wins "Best VFX" at Makizhmithran Fest

"Papercut", wins "Best VFX" at Makizhmithran Film Fest
Many congratulations to makers of the VFX short film "Papercut", which has won "Best VFX" at the Makizhmithran International Film Festival. 
Directed by Giorgos Konstantinou and produced by Victoria ArraezPapercut was a collaboration between 3rd year undergraduate animation and vfx students, working together to create a short film.  The original score was composed by Lorenzo Pelli.

This is the latest of many festival awards for Papercut.

About Papercut
Papercut is a short story about two paper figurines that come to life. 

Directed by Giorgos Konstantinou and produced by Victoria Arraez,  Papercut  was a collaboration between undergraduate animation and vfx students, working together to create an original story as part of the 3rd year VFX Project.  

Studio projects such as this one are part of what we call The Escape Method - bringing together students with multiple talents to work in teams and produce an industry-quality outcome. 

Live Action Shoot
The live action shoot, filmed by our in-house DOP Clement Gharini, took place at London Fine Art Studio in Battersea. 

Papercut was animated in Maya, edited in Premiere, and rendered in Arnold.  Compositing was completed in Nuke.  

You can watch Papercut below:

"Papercut" Credits

Escape Studios Supervising Tutors
Papercut was overseen by a number of tutors at Escape Studios, offering expertise in 3D VFX, animation, and 2D Compositing.

Industry Feedback
Escape Studios is grateful for the excellent and generous feedback from our industry partners ILM: including Juani Guiraldes, Steven Godfrey, and Davi Stein.

You can find Papercut at the IMDB.

Papercut at YouTube

Papercut at The Rookies
You can find Papercut at The 2023 Rookies here

Festival Awards
Papercut has won many festival awards:

The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To apply for our BA/MArt in 3D Animation, follow this link. For the next 12 week animation course, click here.

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